Will I lose my health insurance?
Will I lose my health insurance?
No, you won't. Union membership has absolutely no impact on your health insurance or other compensation from the district.

Isn't it selfish to leave the union?
Isn't it selfish to leave the union?
Exercising your right as a professional is never selfish.
An association cannot serve you well if you are told you can never leave.

Will I be mistreated by colleagues?
Will I be mistreated by colleagues?
This is a common fear, but most teachers respect your right to join the association of your choice.
A recent survey revealed that 90% of teachers respect the right of their colleagues to join the association of their choice.

What about liability insurance?
What about liability insurance?
Union liability insurance is provided exclusively to members.
There are numerous (often less expensive) alternatives to the union for quality liability insurance.

Will I lose my seniority?
Will I lose my seniority?
No, you won't. Union membership has absolutely no impact on your seniority.

Am I out of the contract if I leave the union?
Am I out of the contract if I leave the union?
Your individual membership has absolutely no impact on the existence or terms of the negotiated agreement for you or any colleagues. You are still a part of the contract if you leave the union.

Will I lose tenure?
Will I lose tenure?
No, you won't. Union membership has absolutely no impact on your tenure.

Who will protect my employment rights?
Who will protect my employment rights?
School employees are protected by the contract and state & federal law, but do often need additional support. Your due process rights can be protected by less expensive alternative professional associations.